Android background service that sends optimized GPS and network locations by text to a specified number every time 911 is called. The companion operator dashboard supports routing of emergency vehicles simulated by the Waterloo bus system. Built with Android, Twilio, Node, React, and Firebase. clone that allows for human input through the live adjustment of an "aggression" factor. Spikes will automatically kill any blob. Communication is done through Socket and the graphics is done through FabricJS. The underlying implementation of the search algorithm is an optimized, multithreated Dijkstra's algorithm.
Python application that uses collaborative filtering to predict scores for MyAnimeList users. Computes 1000 features and weights for both users and anime. Since MAL did not have a developed API, user and anime data were crawled using BeautifulSoup. Machine learning framework is NumPy and SciPy.
Android application for customers and web application for restaurant managers that faciliate easy food ordering and pick-ups. The web app essentially serves as a work-flow tool to track and manage placed orders, while the Android app is a clean interface to find and order from nearby restaurants. Built with Firebase and Twilio.