Hi! I'm a student at the University of Waterloo studying software engineering. I have an interest in large scale distributed algorithms and infrastructure for data analytics. I also enjoy working with low level systems.

Convex Hull Trick

Monday, November 30, 2015

Dynamic ProgrammingProgramming


The Convex Hull Trick is a technique used to efficiently determine which member of a set of linear functions attains an extremal value for a given value of the independent variable. It can be used to optimize dynamic programming problems with certain conditions.

The Convex Hull Trick only works for the following recurrence:

dp[i]=minj<i{dp[j]+b[j]a[i]}dp[i] = \min_{j < i}\left\{ dp[j] + b[j]*a[i] \right\} (b[j]b[j+1]) or (a[i]a[i+1])(b[j] \geq b[j+1]) \text{ or } (a[i] \leq a[i+1])

The trick reduces the time complexity from O(N2)O(N^2) to O(N)O(N).

Example Problem: IOI 2002 Batch Scheduling

There is a sequence of NN jobs to be processed on one machine. The jobs are numbered from 11 to NN, so that the sequence is 1,2,...,N1, 2, ..., N. The sequence of jobs must be partitioned into one or more batches, where each batch consists of consecutive jobs in the sequence. The processing starts at time 00. The batches are handled one by one starting from the first batch as follows. If a batch bb contains jobs with smaller numbers than batch cc, then batch bb is handled before batch cc. The jobs in a batch are processed successively on the machine. Immediately after all the jobs in a batch are processed, the machine outputs the results of all the jobs in that batch. The output time of a job jj is the time when the batch containing jj finishes.

A setup time SS is needed to set up the machine for each batch. For each job ii, we know its cost factor FiF_i and the time TiT_i required to process it. If a batch contains the jobs x,x+1,...,x+kx, x+1, ..., x+k, and starts at time tt, then the output time of every job in that batch is t+S+(Tx+Tx+1+...+Tx+k)t + S + (T_x + T_{x+1} + ... + T_{x+k}). Note that the machine outputs the results of all jobs in a batch at the same time. If the output time of job ii is OiO_i, its cost is OiFiO_i * F_i.

The total cost of a partition is the sum of the costs of the all jobs. Find the minimum possible total cost.


Let us define some variables first:

dp[i]:=minimum cost of partitioning job i to NsumT[i]:=total time for processing job i to NsumF[i]:=total cost factor for job i to N\begin{aligned} dp[i] &:= \text{minimum cost of partitioning job } i \text{ to } N \\ sumT[i] &:= \text{total time for processing job } i \text{ to } N \\ sumF[i] &:= \text{total cost factor for job } i \text{ to } N \\ \end{aligned}

With these variables we can define our recurrence:

dp[i]=minj>i{dp[j]+(S+sumT[i]sumT[j])sumF[i]}dp[i] = \min_{j > i}\{dp[j] + (S + sumT[i] - sumT[j]) * sumF[i]\}

Assume that job jj is better than job kk when determining the best option for job ii where j>kj > k. Then:

dp[j]+(S+sumT[i]sumT[j])sumF[i]<dp[k]+(S+sumT[i]sumT[k])sumF[i]dp[j]dp[k]<(sumT[j]sumT[k])sumF[i]dp[j]dp[k]sumT[j]sumT[k]sumF[i]\begin{aligned} dp[j] + (S + sumT[i] - sumT[j]) * sumF[i] &< dp[k] + (S + sumT[i] - sumT[k]) * sumF[i] \\ dp[j] - dp[k] &< (sumT[j] - sumT[k])*sumF[i] \\ {dp[j] - dp[k]} \over {sumT[j] - sumT[k]} &\geq sumF[i] \\ \end{aligned}

Therefore, if we let f(j,k)=dp[j]dp[k]sumT[j]sumT[k]f(j, k) = {dp[j] - dp[k] \over sumT[j] - sumT[k]}, we will have two cases where we are able to discard an job option:

Case 1: if f(a,b)>f(b,c) where i<c<b<a, then toss out b\text{Case 1: if } f(a, b) > f(b, c) \text{ where } i < c < b < a \text{, then toss out } b {f(a,b)sumF[i]then a is better than bf(a,b)<sumF[i]then c is better than b\begin{cases} f(a, b) \geq sumF[i] & \text{then } a \text{ is better than } b \\ f(a, b) < sumF[i] & \text{then } c \text{ is better than } b \end{cases} Case 2: if f(a,b)<sumF[i] where i<b<a then toss out a\text{Case 2: if } f(a, b) < sumF[i] \text{ where } i < b < a \text{ then toss out } a

Using the two cases to discard job options, we can maintain a monotonic queue that contains the best dp[j]dp[j] to extend our current solution. If we are inserting dp[i]dp[i] to the back of our monotonic queue, we can use Case 1 to remove elements from the back of the queue, and Case 2 to remove elements from the front of the queue. Finally, our answer will be the value at the front of the queue.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 10005

int N, S;
int T[SIZE], F[SIZE];
int dp[SIZE], sumT[SIZE], sumF[SIZE];

deque<int> q;

inline double f(int k, int i) {
  return ((double)dp[k] - (double)dp[i]) / ((double)sumT[k] - (double)sumT[i]);

int main() {
  scanf("%d%d", &N, &S);
  for (int x = 0; x < N; x++)
    scanf("%d%d", &T[x], &F[x]);

  for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    sumT[i] = sumT[i + 1] + T[i];
    sumF[i] = sumF[i + 1] + F[i];

  for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // Handle Case 2.
    while (q.size() >= 2 && f(q[0], q[1]) < (double)sumF[i]) {

    int j = q.front();
    dp[i] = (dp[j] + (S + sumT[i] - sumT[j]) * sumF[i]);

    // Handle Case 1;
    while (q.size() >= 2 &&
           f(q[q.size() - 2], q[q.size() - 1]) > f(q[q.size() - 1], i)) {


  printf("%d\n", dp[0]);
  return 0;

This post is a part of a series of three posts on dynamic programming optimizations:

  1. Convex Hull Trick
  2. Knuth's Optimization
  3. Divide and Conquer Optimization
Example Problem: IOI 2002 Batch Scheduling
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Hack Western
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Knuth's Optimization